We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the answer(s) to your question(s). This is why we put together a glossary that includes our most popular (search) topics!
Just use the correct search term displayed for each topic and our virtual assistant Cody will be able to provide you with all the information you need!
Whenever Cody is unable to assist, you will be able to create a support ticket!
QR Codes - General Information -> Search for "QR Code information"
Subcategories will include:
I need further information about specific QR Code solutions (such as PDF QR Code, Facebook QR Code, etc.)
I need detailed information specifically about Static QR Codes
I need detailed information about Dynamic QR Codes
Can QR Codes be used commercially?
I do not know if I created a Dynamic or Static QR Code
Is it possible to convert a Dynamic QR Code to a Static QR Code (and vice versa)?
14 Day Free Trial -> Search for "14 Day Free Trial"
Subcategories will include:
What does the 14-Day Free Trial include?
Is it possible to extend the 14-Day Free Trial?
How do I reactivate QR Codes, which have been deactivated?
What happens to my QR Codes when the 14-Day Free Trial ends?
Do I need to cancel the 14-Day Free Trial if I do not wish to subscribe to a paid plan?
Free Plan -> Search for "Free Plan"
Subcategories will include:
Where can I find the Free Plan?
Why am I unable to edit my Dynamic QR Code?
I have activated the Free Plan. Why am I unable to unpause my Dynamic QR Code?
Why am I unable to activate the Free Plan?
How can I pause / delete a QR Code in order to be able and activate the Free Plan?
Do I get unlimited scans with the Free Plan?
Payments -> Search for "Payment Question"
Subcategories will include:
Payment Methods
My credit card payment keeps being rejected
The checkout is displaying the incorrect country
My VAT ID is not being accepted
You have charged me twice (multiple times)
I need your bank details to complete an outstanding payment
QR Code Reactivation -> Search for "Reactivation"
Subcategories will include:
I have upgraded but my QR Codes have not being reactivated
How long does it take for my QR Codes to be reactivated?
I have upgraded my account but cannot find any of my QR Codes
I have upgraded the wrong account
Invoice -> Search for "Invoice"
Subcategories will include:
Can I edit an existing invoice?
I am unable to find an invoice in my account.
I paid my invoice but it still shows as 'Open'
I need to add a VAT ID to my invoice
I am unsure why I received an invoice (why I was charged)