Whenever necessary, we will remind our customers via email to please update their payment method in order to pay their (open) invoice.
This will be the case, whenever a payment has failed / keeps on failing due to an expired credit card.
In each email that we send out, our customers have the chance to click on a button that will then take them directly to their account, where they can update their credit card details.
Please note that these changes can only be made by the account owner / admin. Subusers will be unable to edit payment information and / or complete a purchase.
In the first instance, please try again while leaving the 'ZIP Code' entry field blank.
In case the problem persists, this is most likely due to restrictions set by the card issuer. This is usually done for security reasons and to protect against fraud when making an international purchase.
Please contact your bank in order to solve this problem.
Alternatively, please proceed with a different card.