To change account ownership, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to your account
- Select Account (top right)
- Select 'My Account'
- Scroll down to primary account contact
- Select 'change email'
- Select 'change password'
Note: If you registered using a Google Account, and you have not yet set a password for QR Code Generator, you can create a password directly in your account. To do so, please select Account → My Account → Change password.
Each email address can only be registered once / in a single account. In case you are unable to add a particular email address as an 'account owner', this could be because it was already used to register an account on our website. Furthermore, in case an email address is currently registered as a subuser in your account, you will need to delete the subuser account first.
Important: Only the account owner themselves can update and / or request account ownership.